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{GUIDE** How to get good heroes

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  • {GUIDE** How to get good heroes

    Ok guys, since they ***** up angels party I figured we need everyone to know how to get all the op heroes to **** gtarcade off that we're still doing good, even when they **** us over with **** events.

    Here are some everyone knows:
    Snow Queen
    Light Envoy
    Blade Dancer(?) / Silver Dragon Lord
    Hellish Wolf
    Nereida + more evos + dragon clarion
    Fame Hunter? super op heals

    Snow queen.
    This one pretty hard, need 3 gold ticket from capsule. (hint, you need lot of diamonds)
    Assume worst case scenario when it comes to spinning and locking.
    First spin is orange. Next 2 are purple. All blue + green, then last purple comes in and u get ur gold ticket
    (49 spins - 1 spin you got orange with) * 100 diams lock + (49 spins - 1 spin orange - 1 spin purple) * 100 diams lock + (49 spins - 1 or. -1 purp. - 1 purp.) = 14100 diamonds, assuming you lock every orange and purple capsule you see.

    However, chances are you won't need that many, but expect having to use a solid 8-9k diams for each.

    Remember this. If you use get 20 orange capsules, it gives you free gold. If you use all toys in each time to get the 20 orange ( you spend 20 * 50 = 1k capsules) you get a bonus 6k diamonds. So... you need a good 12-14k diamonds at least if you want to be safe for snow queen yay! start saving up boys haha

    Light Envoy + evos
    Oh boy, this ones fun. you need 80k HoC points.. which is 1600 normal card vouchers. I suggest saving up some rare/deluxe card vouchers from that weird diamond lotto event (not prismatic) that disappeared a few months ago . REMEMBER, CHECK THAT THE CURRENT HOC HAS LIGHT ENVOY! SOME OF THEM DONT
    Claim da rewards, if you have 80k you should be able to get Light Envoy AND Messenger of Darkness. You will need an additional 80k to get Supreme oracle

    Blade Dancer..?
    Um. I think you need it from Lucky tree..? its like 30k or 60k coins or something, will take around 5 years to save up for (jk i dont know actual amount) but I suggest not saving up for her, shes a premium char i guess.

    Silver Dragon Lord
    Save up 1500 ish for wheel of luck. Have a chitchat with your server mates about going all out the next single server tycoon, and haul ***, get at least 500k points in tycoon. That sounds hard but its actually really easy with 1500 WoL. If you do 100x turbo spin on a tycoon-related Wheel of Luck, you get around 90k points. If you have 1500, you automatically get 250k tycoon points, that puts you in the top 20 right away. Add on stuff like consuming, regaining, go insane on gemology, try to get 400k in one day for extra rewards... blah blah blah you know the drill
    Get those supremacy tickets or something, go buy.

    Hellish Wolf
    Bclaw is easy as hell to get, only 400 arena thingies, super easy.
    Godless wolf was only 499 coins from lucky tree, easy.
    Hellish wolf...? get 400k tycoon points, exchange for 2 or 3 (i dont remember) tycoon certificate, easy peasy

    Nereida + evos
    Nerieda is super easy, same as bclaw
    Silver queen only costs like 2 silvers in capsule, you will have plenty left over from you snow queen attempt so easy peasy
    Dragon Ruler.. ***? um unless you wanna spend some gold in capsule, you can get her for some ripped off price in lucky tree.
    Dragon Clarion: ^^ same as above

    Fame hunter
    Healer dont seem so good at first, but once you get her to fame hunter shes op. Mines +21, and has a 60% chance of protection 2 allies from next hit everytime she casts spell, including counterstrike with khaos. Since block master op and does 100% heals for healers, get a good 15k block, get block master, shes op as hell. I see plenty of fights were fame hunter heals more than my main does damage (150mil+)
    Get priestess from WoL points (only like 100 or 400)
    Get crescent elf from angels party (if you have stuff to spend and cant get anything else)
    Get fame hunter from 400k tycoon or angels party (280 is high tho, if they change event type you're ******)

    These guys are all great heroes. Try going for some of these. I'm currently at 10609 diamonds, going for snow queen soon. Good luck on your op heroes, hope this help
    Last edited by MemoryLane; 05-16-2016, 10:49 PM. Reason: removed some filter dodged words.

  • #2
    Hellish Wolf can also be gotten in Lucky Tree event for 25000 coins. One of my (my highest and first char)'s team is Astral Hunter (which I will be replacing with Dragon Whisperer), Godless Wolf (whom I'm working on to get HW), Poseidon (who will be replaced with Amazon Hunter), Dark Valkyrie and Nereida (back up).

    Also don't forget you can also get some heroes for only one certificate in Tycoon.
    Last edited by casseopeya; 05-17-2016, 09:15 AM.
    Just a friendly player trying to help. I'm not a moderator .

